A Reminder for Emily Storybook


Emily and her family live on a station (or ranch) in the Australian outback. Although Emily loves the sheep that belong to her family, filling their water trough every day is one of her least favorite chores. When Emily chooses to practice jumps with her horse, Flash, instead of filling the trough, she gets in big trouble with her mum. Her punishment? She can’t ride or practice jumps with Flash until she shows that she can be responsible with her chores. 

Inspired by her neighbor, Pete, a retired electrical engineer, Emily realizes she could make sure she does her chores on time by creating an alarm to remind her. With Pete’s help, can Emily engineer an alarm to prove to her family that she takes her chores seriously? 

Readers are invited to design an alarm circuit. With some creativity and knowledge of the engineering design process, everyone can engineer! 

Engineering Field: Electrical Engineering

Science Field: Physical Sciences

Setting: Australia

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A Reminder for Emily Storybook