Juan Daniel's Fútbol Frog Storybook


Juan Daniel and his friends can hardly wait for the neighborhood fútbol (or soccer) championship. When Juan Daniel hurts his arm during the game, however, he ends up watching most of the big game from the sideline. While there, Juan Daniel finds a frog hopping around the edge of the dusty field. The frog inspires Juan Daniel to overcome his injury and lead his team to victory! 

After the game, Juan Daniel realizes the frog is in need of help. The frog’s skin is a membrane that needs to be kept moist in order for the frog to survive. With a little help from a bioengineer visiting El Salvador, Juan Daniel works to create an artificial membrane to save his fútbol frog. 

Readers are encouraged to design an artificial membrane, just like Juan Daniel did. With some creativity and knowledge of the engineering design process, everyone can engineer! 

Engineering Field: Bioengineering

Science Field: Life Sciences

Setting: El Salvador

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Juan Daniel's Futbol Frog Storybook